Thursday, August 27, 2020

Children on Their Birthdays by Truman Capote Essay -- Children on The

Youngsters on Their Birthdays by Truman Capote Truman Capote made a character in Youngsters on Their Birthdays who is the meaning of a visionary. Her name is Miss Bobbit and in spite of the fact that she is just a youngster, each and every individual who realized her tended to her as Miss Bobbit on the grounds that she had a specific enchantment, whatever she did she did it with fulfillment, thus straightforwardly , so seriously, that there was nothing to do except for acknowledge it. At the point when she presented herself as Miss Bobbit individuals would laugh, yet she was as yet known as Miss Bobbit. John Updike once stated, Dreams work out as expected; without that chance, nature would not prompt us to have them. This is exactly what Miss Bobbit accepted. There was no halting this little youngster when she set her focus on something. Miss Bobbit is presented in the story as a youthful, cheeky, yielded young lady who is derided by nearly everybody in the town. Before the finish of the story she was ?encompassed by individuals who halted to wish her well?. Billy Bob and Preacher are two young men who are known to raise a ruckus. ?They were the greatest companions around: talked the same, strolled the same, and infrequently they vanished together for entire days.? In spite of the fact that when Miss Bobbit didn't show up the young men remained nearby to the house wanting to get a brief look at her. Clearly the two young men had ?begun to look all starry eyed at? with Miss Bobbit and she could get them to do nearly anything she needed. Knowing this, Miss Bobbit did only that. The young men began to work for her and were devoted to their...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Social Responsibility of Business-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Question: The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits (Friedman, 1970). Fundamentally talk about this Statement in the Light of Contrasting speculations that Emphasize, just as models that Highlight, the Case For Corporate Social Responsibility. Answer: Presentation The principle thought of social duty in business is to keep up balance between the strategy and social obligation. It tends to be said that in the greater part of the events the operational technique of business doesn't consider about the connection between the general public and condition. The point of the present report is to basically talk about the announcement of Friedman in 1970. The announcement was exceptionally disputable in the setting that it repudiated the vast majority of the hypotheses related with that of the corporate social obligation of the business. The significant components of the speculations identified with the corporate social duty will be the fundamental conversation purpose of the present investigation. Hypotheses of Corporate Social Responsibility The fundamental reason for the corporate social duty in business is to guarantee no deceptive practice is being actualized in the advertising intend to make overabundance benefit. The serious condition of the present business world is getting harder because of forceful safe systems involved by the vast majority of the organizations. Huge scope business association regularly execute the ability to realize change in the business condition. The corporate social obligation is the arrangement of moral laws that must be trailed by each business association so as to keep up their social notoriety (Carroll 2015). The laws of corporate social obligation guarantee that enthusiasm of each gathering of partners are being secured with execution of each business arrangement. One of the significant motivation behind actualizing the components of corporate social duty is to guarantee reasonable improvement in business economy. The components of Corporate Social Responsibility guarantee that the benefit that are earned from the business are used for the social turn of events and government assistance exercises. Monetary obligation of the organization is to guarantee benefit that can be apparent from the money related development alongside expanded estimation of the companys value. In the market of present day economy, it is profoundly fundamental for each business association to makes adequate measure of benefit so as to support in t he extreme serious condition. There is additionally the segment of legitimate duty, where business associations need to carefully adhere to the lawful principles and strategies. These strategies are executed as a piece of Business Law, which assists with guaranteeing that there is no unlawful or uncalled for exchange practice actualized in any type of business exchange. Business association can follow the standards of legitimate obligation by paying appropriate business or exchange charges to the nearby power. Korschun et al. (2014), have referenced about the significance of moral obligation, where it is significant for business association to guarantee that the business exercises don't make any damage the earth. Execution of green business thoughts that incorporate ecofriendly method of assembling items and conveying administration are not many of the significant segments of moral duty. The altruistic obligation is another significant part of corporate social duty. For this situation it is the obligation of an association to contribute direct reserve for social government assistance exercises. This is additionally accepted to be one of the compelling approaches to improve the business notoriety and brand acknowledgment. One of the significant social duty of each business association is to give legitimate work to the general public. The enormous scope worldwide business associations are not many of the greatest selection representatives that assume a significant job in the social formative work. Peake and Eddleston (2017), has referenced about the significance of the Triple main concern hypothesis, which is another significant parts of the social business duty. As indicated by the part of this hypothesis, it is the obligation of the corporate pioneers to guarantee that both monetary and social setting of business are being thought of while actualizing operational technique. So as to keep up supportability inside the business procedure it is profoundly basic to think about each term and state of business. It is one of the provoking job of the business head to appropriately guarantee ideal harmony among financial and social improvement in the business condition. This is accepted to be one of the meeting purpose of Business Ethics. Regarding monetary maintainability, it is critical to actualize plan for long haul budgetary development (Saeidi et al. 2015). From the components of triple primary concern, it is the obligation of each enormous scope business association to appropri ately execute the marketable strategy for money related manageability. This is accepted to be one of the significant standards for achievement of new businesses. Enormous scope business organizations like Google, apple and Microsoft has had the option to present better monetary strategy for long haul budgetary development. The business heads of to anticipate every single imaginable circumstance of things to come advertise condition and execute the arrangement as indicated by long haul maintainability. Corporate supportability as far as financial advancement can help during the time spent brand acknowledgment. It can likewise push the organization to appropriately use all types of assets (Becker-Olsen and Guzmn 2017). Social manageability is additionally one of the significant measures for actualizing the triple primary concern hypothesis. There has been expanded in worried about the worldwide situation, where rich individuals are getting more extravagant and poor getting less fortunate (Grosser et al. 2017). This can expand the danger of society being breakdown. The expansion in the unevenness can likewise raise the danger of political savagery, consequently trading off up on all types of social turn of events. Crane et al. (2013),have referenced about the significance of reasonable exchange development that is accepted actualize moral open door for executing supportable business procedure. It is likewise critical to take note of that social manageability can not exclusively be kept up with the assistance of money related arranging. It likewise requires understanding the capital market of present day business condition. Actualizing strategy, for example, the lowest pay permitted by law for laborers at various level inside an association is one of the prime approach of keeping up social development. Social maintainability likewise requires full collaboration from a wide range of residents. This can assist with creating solid connection between the individuals (Gupta et al. 2017). Ecological maintainability is the last part of the triple primary concern hypothesis. This assistance to guarantee that all types of normal assets that are utilized by business association don't look with any type of wastages. Reusing of materials can be one of the viable approaches to keep up the convention of natural manageability (Shang et al. 2014). This is accepted to be one of the successful method to limit the opportunity of asset wastage. Appropriate eco-accommodating methods additionally can be actualized so as to guarantee least measure of ozone harming substance are being radiated from assembling units of the enterprises. Basic Analysis of the Friedmans Statement From the announcement of Friedman, unmistakably the creator needs to concentrate just upon the budgetary development and supportability of a business association. The essential goal of all business visionaries while starting any new businesses to amplify the degree of benefit as far as monetary turn of events. The announcement gave by Friedman likewise centers after expanding the net revenue. This has been one of the major dubious subject predominantly because of the way that the announcement is just worried about one rule of Corporate Social Responsibility that has been referenced in the above area. This announcement additionally exposed the idea of all types of social government assistance exercises that are generally connected with corporate social obligation. During the time the creator implied this announcement, there was an expansion in worried about the social imbalances that was raising inside the worldwide economy (Di Benedetto 2017). Articulation of the creator additionally featured up on the way that free market which was getting famous during the time of 1970s is one of the most effortless approach to keep up Social Responsibility in business. This is mostly because of the way that free market appreciates the chance to make greatest measure of benefit with no type of political or financial limitations. It is additionally workable for the entrepreneurs to enlist increasingly number of individuals inside the organization and along these lines manage the issue of joblessness. The creator additionally accepted about the way that with expanded measure of business benefit it is workable for representatives to make noteworthy gift in social government assistance exercises. There is additionally one type of conviction that the announcement of Friedman is outstanding amongst other approach to keep up standards of communism. It will there be forestall the market to decide the specific valuing procedure that will be actualized for every item. Half and half idea of private enterprise and communism can in this manner help in improving the fame of free market and consequently advancing the economy of the country (Yin 2017). The expansion in the patterns of private serious Enterprise, there is expanding danger of carelessness about the components of corporate social obligation. Proclamation made by Friedman will assist with endless supply of the significant issues identified with that of the free market economy. This will assist with guaranteeing that the greater part of the business association can extend with better degree of Corporate systems. As per the announcement it may not be feasible for a business association to center upon every single significant component of corporate social duty and furthermore the related speculations related with the equivalent. In the event that a business association is exclusively engaged

Friday, August 21, 2020

Proposed Debt Collection Rules Permit Debt Collectors to Send You Unlimited Texts, Emails - OppLoans

Proposed Debt Collection Rules Permit Debt Collectors to Send You Unlimited Texts, Emails - OppLoans Proposed Debt Collection Rules Permit Debt Collectors to Send You Unlimited Texts, EmailsInside Subprime:  May 15, 2019By Aubrey SitlerIn early May, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), proposed new rules for the debt collection industry. Following an announcement earlier this year that these rules were forthcoming, many people in the industry anticipated that these rules would include regulationâ€"or lack thereofâ€"of consumers’ rights and protections and the tactics debt collectors use to contact consumers.The 538-page proposed rule to update regulations governing the $11 billion debt collection industry was released on May 7, 2019, and advocates for reasonable consumer privacy rights are not happy with some of its  contents.Specifically, debt collectors would be able to call debtors up to seven times a week, though upon making contact, they would be required to wait at least a week before calling back again.Under the proposed rule, debt collectors would also gain the right to use unlimited email and text messaging to reach consumers. The rule acknowledges that these communications could end up constituting harassment or abusive practices, but unlike communication by phone call, there is currently no proposed cap on the number that can be sent. Although texts and email messages would be required to include a process for debtors to opt out of that type of communication, this is still a major win for debt collectors.Consumer rights advocates also point out that the rule does not go far enough to prevent other types of abuse that have historically run rampant in the industry.According to Suzanne Martindale, a senior lawyer for Consumer Reports, “The C.F.P.B.’s proposal does nothing to ensure debt collectors document that they are attempting to collect from the right person, for the right amount… By ignoring this central problem with our broken debt collection system, the C.F.P.B. is failing to fulfill its statutory mission to protect consumer s.”Debt collectors are already using mobile technology to contact those who owe them money, despite ambiguity over whether or not they are supposed to be able to. Christopher Fultz, an Ohio paramedic, experienced just thatâ€"a text with his name in capital letters with a link to a website that asked for his social security number. Only after clicking it did he realize it was from a debt collector who had been calling and leaving threatening voicemails. “I was appalled. They can’t send text messages if it’s a debt collector,” Fultz told the Washington Post. “It was just shocking that they would do that. It felt like a scam.” After filing a lawsuit, the debt collection company settled and paid him $3,500.Over 70 million Americans have a debt in collections. In 2018, the CFPB reported receiving over 80,000 complaints about collection tactics.According to Kraninger, the CFPB intends to “modernize the legal regime for debt collection” with the proposed new rules. If imp lemented, this update will be the first in the over-40 years since the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act was implementedâ€"well before the advent of mobile communications, let alone the Internet, emailing, and texting.Learn more about payday loans, scams, and cash advances, and check out our city and state financial guides, including Florida, Illinois, Ohio,  Texas  and more.Visit  OppLoans  on  YouTube  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  LinkedIn

Monday, May 25, 2020

Attachment Is A Lasting And Profound Emotional Bond

Attachment is a lasting and profound emotional bond that attaches one individual to another across space and time (Bowlby, 1969; Ainsworth, 1973). Attachment does not have to be a mutual thing; one individual may have an attachment to another person however he or she may not feel the same way. Attachment is considered by the way children behave, for example seeking closeness with the attachment figure when they are endangered or in distress (Bowlby, 1969). Bowlby’s (1951) ethological theory of attachment began with the ‘asocial’ phase, where the child non-discriminatingly socially responds to his guardians. This progresses later into an ‘indiscriminate attachments’ phase; this is when the child begins to restrict their responses to only†¦show more content†¦Other attachments are formed, they are called ‘subsidiary attachments’ however they do not have the same effect on the baby’s development (Prior, 2006, P63). This then lead to Bowlby’s maternal deprivation theory; if there is a malfunction of the maternal attachment or the maternal attachment was never formed, it could lead to severe negative consequences such as a lack of emotional, intellectual and social development of the child, this could perhaps lead to affectionless psychopathy (McLeod, 2007). This theory was based on the study of 44 juvenile thieves and the study of children who were brought up in residenti al nurseries and orphanages (Davenport, 1992, P56). On the other hand, Feminists disagreed with Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation as it seems to contribute in confirming that women’s responsibilities are only meant to be in the home, this lead to several nurseries closing down, causing women to go back to their homes and becoming housewives again after employment throughout the World War II (Burman, 1994). Rutter’s (1981) also disagrees with Bowlby, he believes that affectionless psychopathy is not due to maternal deprivation but other aspects, for instance, social experiences, conflict and tension in the home and intellectual stimulation, which may lead to disorderly behaviour. He also mentions that children disapprove separation from various attachment

Thursday, May 14, 2020

International Enterprise With Economic Development And...

In modern world a lot of companies will start their business in other countries, to become an international enterprise with economic development and global popularity (TAST, 2014). International companies to carry out their business around the world, multinational corporations are an important driving force of internationalization and globalization, so that business will not be limited to one country, and increase the company s sales, also conducive to global companies seeking cheaper labour on a global scale, they can find cheaper recourse, reducing the company s production cost (TAST, 2014). At this time, the location decision is particularly important when the company open a new company in the overseas, the company has a lot of issues†¦show more content†¦Some authors take the opposite view that the company s parent country tax policy will also affect the company s overseas location, through studying data between 1999and 2003 multinational firms in 33 European countries ( Barrios, Huizinga, Laeven, Nicodà ¨me, 2012).According to Robinson and Stocken (2013) some countries in order to attract foreign investment will be made very favourable tax policy, some enterprises consider the interests they will likely choice this country. Choen (2000) also think tax policy has a major impact on business location decisions, some of the tax return or tax cuts for the enterprises profits have a great impact, but the government will be worried too preferential policies for local enterprise is unfair, maybe lead the people criticism. For example, China s foreign investment policy, the government will reward some foreign firms which have a good develop, or let some multinational companies enjoy low tax rates tax policies that encourage multinational companies to enter the Chinese market, but also to promote the Chinese enterprises seek out

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Introduction. There Are Many Factors To Consider In The

Introduction There are many factors to consider in the development of an environmental and physical security policy. Many may believe that these two components are mutually exclusive; however, there should be careful consideration as to whether or not include the two components as one singular policy, with sections that represent each. As one would expect, the physical aspects of the policy govern physical access to facilities, as well as to information technology resources. The environmental aspects of the policy govern the information technology resources, and there may be overlapping areas that the policy must address. Environmental and Physical Security Policy Organizations must establish an information security environmental policy,†¦show more content†¦Physical security must also consider how to address visitor access, and issues where badge access cards may have become lost or stolen. Physical security should include the use of security guards, monitoring equipment, and screening procedures for those who need access to secured areas (Allsopp, 2009). Each component of the policy has key members that must be included in the development of the policy. Roles and Responsibilities There are key individuals that have a specific role, and responsibility in the development of an information environmental, and physical security policy. As with all policies, there must be a top-down approach, which begins at the highest levels of management. The CIO of an organization is responsible for ensuring the policies are administered correctly, and that the policies align with business objects. A security policy of any type should not prevent the business from operating correctly. The IT department managers play a key role in ensuring that their respective departments have sub-policies that are aligned with the overarching policy. This includes procedural documentation on how to perform access reviews, or configuration management, which are components of an environmental policy. The system administrators also have a role in ensuring all the procedural policies are followed while conducting their day-to-day operations (SANS, n.d.). The IT function, and facilitiesShow MoreRelatedThe Fast Lane Infrared Bubble Toy Helicopter1150 Words   |  5 Pages1. Introduction Engineers adapt engineering design process to plan as well as consider different relevant variables in different design stages in order to create a pragmatic product. Also, according to Ertas (1996), the engineering design is defined as the decision making process in different scientific ways to meet desired needs within stated objectives. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Indigenous Health Northern Territory Intervention †MyAssignmenthelp.c

Question: Discuss about the Northern Territory Emergency Response. Answer: Introduction In this essay, we would discuss the Northern Territory Intervention or Northern Territory Emergency Response. It is a range of controversial and complex measures that the government introduced in the year 2007. It was observed how the Indigenous community residing in the Northern Territory suffered from violence, sexual abuse, poor housing conditions and poor health. This intervention was a response to the AmpeAkelyernemaneMekeMekarleReport which meant Little Children are sacred. This report focused on the sexual abuse that the children living in Northern Territory were facing (Evans, 2012). Through the graphic imagery, and striking facts the government wanted to recognize the social seclusion and extreme disadvantage that the indigenous and remote communities face in the Northern Community. This 587$ million worth of legislature had to change a lot in the Northern Territory. These changes ranged from the acquisition of land, health initiatives, alcohol consumption restrictions, educ ation initiatives, restrictions on pornographic content and pornography, and initiatives for employment. Critical Reflection Part The Alma Atta declaration was made in the year 1978 that called for a comprehensive approach for healthcare with the combination of preventive, rehabilitative, promotive and curative activities creating a holistic approach towards health. According to statistics for the year 2011 in the Northern territory 30% of the population was that of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in comparison to only 3% in other parts combined all over Australia. Australia has lagged for healthcare provided for the Indigenous people as they still experience inequalities in health. They have a 10 year lower life expectancy than a European settler population. Their employment rate is only 65 % in comparison to 75% to the general population, and their income is about 2.5% times lower in comparison to general population. With the introduction of NTER it was seen that government was facing issues in engaging the community in this intervention. The challenges they faced were usually in balancing eviden ce based medicine with the community desires. The Alma Atta declaration was also not followed when the strategies that were listed in this intervention was found out to be not culturally respectful to the Indigenous people. The Australian Indigenous doctors association has taken a health impact assessment (HIA) report which showed that the different components of NTER are missing the aspects that are mentioned in the Dance of life painting depicting wellbeing and health for aboriginal people. The different physical, cultural, spiritual integrity, health and psychological dimensions being depicted in the painting have been supported by factors such as training and education. This painting showed how an individual can remain grounded and healthy by being connected spiritually. While reflecting back on our culture can attain a good and balanced life for us. Through this assessment, it was seen how NTER is leaving a negative impact on the spiritual and cultural aspect of the community. For aboriginals, the spiritual connectedness is the crucial central point that balances all parts of their life. But the intolerance and misunderstandings related to their believes and values have hurt the progress of this intervention (Lowe, Coffey, 2017). This has limited the Aboriginal leaders to incorporate their views in the policies and legislatures. Culture gives a person his position in the society. Due to the clash of cultural views of the European settlers and aboriginal people caused numerous misinterpretations that have given rise to institutional racism, and marginalization in the social and political structures (Walter, 2016). Another question that arises is has the intervention worked so far?. Many organizations like Amnesty International and Australian Indigenous doctors association has become the voice of the affected communities and have termed this intervention as Travesty. Many argue that this act has only regulated the lives of the Aboriginal community as now they feel that they are more vulnerable and dependent on the state. It was only in the year 2006 when Ms. Nanette Rogers who was Crown Prosecutor for Central Australia briefed about her controversial paper about sexual assault cases that she has come across in her 12 years of practice as a prosecutor. She stressed how Aboriginal community was suffering from violent crimes on women and especially children. In the past two decades, there were numerous commitments that were made for equal access to services and resources for the Aboriginal people. But it was only on 21 June 2007 that Northern Territory Emergency Response was announced by Minister Mal Brough. This intervention was supposed to introduce alcohol restrictions throughout the Northern Territory, it also had to introduce welfare reforms to streamline cash flow for children welfare, through this intervention the government wanted to enforce school attendance by linking the family assistance payments to the school attendance, the also introduced compulsory income support, compulsory health check s, cleaning communities through local workforce, improving housing reform, and banning pornography. It was introduced in the parliament on 7th August 2007. This intervention was a response to the AmpeAkelyernemaneMekeMekarleReport which meant Little Children are sacred. But many stakeholders contest that numerous other factors influenced its implementation. Some of these factors are the announcement coincided with the federal elections, another factor is that there was an ongoing disinvestment in the Aboriginal movement by State and Australian government and lastly the Australian Government holds additional powers in the Northern community in comparison to the other states. Many say that this intervention was more like a SHOCK to the affected communities as this legislature required to keep aside provisions of the Racial Discrimination Act. Racial Discrimination Act was passed in 1975 which makes it unlawful to discriminate a person based on their ethnic origin, race, and color. It can also take place when an act or law treats some in a different way and has unfair effects on a certain group of people. Critics complained how this intervention was introduced without any notice even when it included numerous compulsory measures. (Hallberg et al.,2014). The two main factors that are hurting the outcomes of this intervention are external leadership, control, and governance along with compulsory income management. The NTER did work on the Ampe Akelyernemane Meke Mekarle which means Little Children are Sacred report but its implementation took the control from communities that were being affected and handed it to the government. Measures listed in the intervention were compulsory and mandatory whereas there was no mention of empowerment, culture, strong family, dialogue and ownership for the Aboriginal community. In all they were not acknowledging the Aboriginal governance and leadership nor were they mentioning any steps to work in partnership with them. This gave rise to shock, shame and frustration on the part of the stakeholders that found that NTER was racist in nature. Many termed the implementation of NTER as a walk in the past where they have faced trauma since colonization on the hands of the European settlers. Another aspect of NTER is the compulsory income management scheme which resulted in abolishment of the racial discrimination act. Through this, almost fifty percent of the benefits that were being given to the poor aboriginal community was now reduced to provide for food to the children (Bramwell, et al.,2017),( Browne et al.,2017),( Helson, et al., 2017). Families receiving benefits were categorized under a universal income management. This step was taken to reduce the money available for substance abuse and alcohol through which violence and crimes can also be controlled in the community. The government wanted to provide money for the food, clothing, and nutrition of the children. This was based on the assumption that the children are abused when the government and their families are unable to provide for them. There was a positive impact of this aspect on women in the NT reported that their lives have improved. As they were able to save money for food and clothing. Community interviews also reported that people who did not spend the money in one go had an advantage of that money being added to the next payment. But all in all compulsory income management scheme was meant to teach people to budget their money which it failed as this compulsory quarantining resulting in strengthening the belief that aboriginals cant control their lives. It also failed to focus on the fact that whether the families were receiving enough money to budget. NTER has failed to address the underlining issues in the communities. The government did reduce the benefits to the fam ilies but failed to provide for work opportunities. Despite the support and improvements, the evaluation report pointed out that there was a gap in the projected outcomes and the views and experiences of the local Northern Territory Aboriginal community. (HIA) report showed how issues like low employment rates, housing issues, lack of interpreters and high rate of crimes still persist in the community. Many indigenous people believe the failure of this intervention is due to the fact that the government never collaborated with the affected communities to plan and implement this intervention. This loss of rights to even participate in the decision-making process caused outrage and shock in the affected communities. They complained how the lack of understanding of the Aboriginal values and culture by the Non-Indigenous Australians is responsible for the gap in the projected outcomes. (Walter, 2016),( Rehalia, Prasad, 2016),( Schmidt et al., 2017) It was only in the year 2010 that the Racial Discrimination Act was reinstated after being repealed. Later, in the year 2011, the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Bill was introduced to tackle issues such as food security, land reform and alcohol abuse. This bill was aimed at promoting food security to the aboriginals and reducing the self-harm rate due to alcohol consumption in the community. According to a report by The Public Health Association of Australia Incorporated (PHAA) while planning the Stronger future Bill the government did engage with the Aboriginal communities. While this is a right step many indigenous leaders believe that the time frame for consultation on the bill was too short. They believe that community ownership is needed. Through Stronger future bill the government is aiming to be flexible in the income management and school attendance. As they are planning to make income management voluntary or it would be triggered through referrals from agencies l ike Centrelink social workers and child protective agencies. These statutory authorities would determine the amount of income deducted. The original broad application of NTER income management had no regard for any personal responsibility or individual circumstances. There was no chance for community ownership to develop under NTER as there were no transparent decisions being made and no communication with the affected communities. (Taber, Taber, 2013). Conclusion Through Northern Territory Intervention the government intended to address the issues like alcohol abuse, food security, unemployment, housing, child protection, land reforms, school enrolment, and community safety. But this intervention has only given people the right to question the motives of the Australian Government as for why due to this intervention the Racial Discrimination Act was suspended. The one size fits all approach does not fit the local circumstances and regional needs of these people (Young, 2016),( Khalemsky, Schwartz, 2017). The improvised idea of governance that this Intervention has always represented has many far-reaching, serious negative impacts on the psychosocial, cultural and physical aspects of the indigenous people. There skills, knowledge, aspirations, and experience was ignored while drafting and planning this intervention. Current investments being made in the education and housing sector are unlikely to succeed in improving their lives until there is concrete strategies, capable governance so forth. This intervention was planned in haste that resulted in a confusing, ad-hoc and unplanned intervention that combined with band-aid strategies led to the funding being used in excessive administration and bureaucracy. It is recommended that the government work in partnership with the indigenous communities to structure and process the legislature. Local level participation is needed for building and supporting the aboriginal community. (Belizn et al., 2014),( Murdoch-Flowers et al., 2017). References Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) 2015, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, viewed January 2015, . Belizn, J., Salaria, N., Valanzasca, P. and Mbizvo, M. (2014). How can we improve the use of essential evidence-based interventions?.Reproductive Health, 11(1). doi:10.1186/1742-4755-11-69 Bramwell, L., Foley, W. and Shaw, T. (2017). Putting urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander food insecurity on the agenda.Australian Journal of Primary Health, 23(5), p.415. doi: 10.1071/PY17073. Browne, J., Adams, K., Atkinson, P., Gleeson, D. and Hayes, R. (2017). Food and nutrition programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: an overview of systematic reviews.Australian Health Review. doi: 10.1071/AH17082. Evans, B. (2012). Northern Territory Emergency Response: Criticism, support and redesign.Australian Journal of Rural Health, 20(3), pp.103-107. DOI:10.1111/j.1440-1584.2012.01265.x Hallberg, N., Hallberg, J., Granlund, H. and Woltjer, R. (2014). Exploring the Rationale for Emergency Management Information Systems for Local Communities.International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 6(2), pp.16-37. doi10.4018/ijiscram.2014040102 Helson, C., Walker, R., Palermo, C., Rounsefell, K., Aron, Y., MacDonald, C., Atkinson, P. and Browne, J. (2017). Is Aboriginal nutrition a priority for local government? A policy analysis.Public Health Nutrition, 20(16), pp.3019-3028. doi: 10.1017/S1368980017001902 Khalemsky, M. and Schwartz, D. (2017). Emergency Response Community Effectiveness: A simulation modeler for comparing Emergency Medical Services with smartphone-based Samaritan response.Decision Support Systems, 102, pp.57-68. doi10.1016/j.dss.2017.07.003 Lowe, M. and Coffey, P. (2017). Effect of an ageing population on services for the elderly in the Northern Territory.Australian Health Review. doi: 10.1071/AH17068 Murdoch-Flowers, J., Tremblay, M., Hovey, R., Delormier, T., Gray-Donald, K., Delaronde, E. and Macaulay, A. (2017). Understanding how Indigenous culturally-based interventions can improve participants health in Canada.Health Promotion International. Rehalia, A. and Prasad, S. (2016). Global harnessing of advanced mHealth for community mobilization.mHealth, 2. doi: 10.21037/mhealth Schmidt, C., Romine, J., Bell, M., Armin, J. and Gordon, J. (2017). User Participation and Engagement With the See Me Smoke-Free mHealth App: Prospective Feasibility Trial.JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5(10), p.e142. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.7900. Taber, M. and Taber, N. (2013). Exploring emergency response: theories of communities of practice, safety cultures, situation awareness and tacit knowledge.International Journal of Emergency Management, 9(1), p.46. Walter, M. (2016). Social Exclusion/Inclusion for Urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.Social Inclusion, 4(1), p.68. DOI: Young, T., Chatwood, S., Ford, J., Healey, G., Jong, M., Lavoie, J. and White, M. (2016). Transforming Health Care in Remote Communities: report on an international conference.BMC Proceedings, 10(S6).

Friday, April 10, 2020

The Landscape of Financial Institutions in Bahrain

The Kingdom of Bahrain is a major international financial center. The banking sector takes the 2nd place in the country’s economy and provides approximately 27% of GDP. Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) is the main financial institution in the country since 2006, when it was proclaimed the new central bank. Today, it is responsible for control, inspection and licensing of the financial institutions. Its regulatory and monitoring framework plays an important role in relieving the international banks of limitations.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Landscape of Financial Institutions in Bahrain specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to the report of CBB (30 September 2011) there were licensed 24 conventional banks (Retail), 56 conventional banks (wholesale), 26 Islamic banks, 27 locally incorporated insurance firms, 11overseas insurance firms, 48 investment firms, 33 insurance brokers, 3 insuranc e managers, 5 insurance consultants, 32 insurance firms (restricted to business outside Bahrain), 4 insurance brokers (restricted to business outside Bahrain), 2 insurance consultants (restricted to business outside Bahrain), 11 loss adjusters, 2 insurance pools and syndicates offices, 18 money changers, 4 administrators, 8 financing companies, 16 banking representative offices, 5 insurance representative offices, 11 investment firm representative offices, 2 microfinance institutions, 10 capital markets. The total amount of banks and financial institutions licensed by CBB makes 408 (Central Bank of Bahrain). There are over 180 banks in Bahrain. Banks are divided into wholesale and retail banks. Wholesale banks dominate in the region. The leading wholesale bank is ABC (Arab Banking Corporation). Leading foreign banks are: BNP Paribas Bahrain, HSBC Bahrain and Citi Bank. Wholesale banks made approximately 88 % of the total banking assets during the period 2003-2006. The leading retail banks of Bahrain are: Ahli United Bank – assets US$ 29.0 billion (the second largest bank after CBB), National Bank of Bahrain (NBB), Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait (BBK), BMI Bank, Futurebank. Market investments of retail banks made only 12.3% of total assets. The retail banks share in the market was within the limits of 11.8% – 12.3% for the same period. These statistics demonstrates that the growth of the banking assets was applied to all banks; it means that both retail and wholesale banks indicated approximately the same progress for the same period (Table 1, 2). A total value of assets in Bahrain banking sector is $199.4 billion. Today Bahrain hosts more than 171 insurance companies from all over the world. They are both: conventional and Islamic, onshore and offshore institutions. Here is the list of the largest insurance companies in Bahrain according to the value of assets:Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can hel p you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Iran Insurance Gosi Bahrain National Insurance Company BSC (c) (BNI) Oryx Insurance Protection Insurance Services WLL Bahrain Kuwait Insurance Company Trust International Insurance Company Arab Insurance Group Fakhro Insurance Services The creation of financial centers in Bahrain contributed to significant development of the insurance, reinsurance and brokerage business in the country. The branches of personal/family and motor insurance are the leading ones in Bahrain. Bahrain has long-term plans to increase the gross premiums of compulsory medical insurance to BD 190 million by 2015.† The Islamic Insurance market (T’akaful and ReT’akaful) contributions as a percentage of Total Premiums written is estimated to increase to 31.2% by 2015; the highest increase in the Gulf States (source; Swiss Re)† (Rose 701). Bahrain attracts a large number of financial companies and world-famous resellers because of its obvious tax advantages, effective system of state regulation and ultra-modern infrastructure. There are several great Bahrain companies: Arab Financial Services (provides card processing and electronic banking services), Bahrain Commercial Facilities Company (short, medium and long term consumer finance), Securities Investment Company BSC (SICO), Bahrain Financing Company (foreign exchange and money transfer services). Banks are interested in industries that supplying rapidly growing population of the region, such as pharmaceuticals, healthcare and education. The economies of the Gulf thrived, thanks to a fivefold increase of oil prices since 2002. Considerable income to the treasury brings Bahrain Refinery Company, which is the second great company in the Middle East (after the Abadan refinery in Iran). In addition to the local oil the refinery processes crude oil that comes from an underwater pipeline from Saudi Arabia (more than 10 million tons annually). The second larg est industrial facility in Bahrain is an aluminum-smelting plant â€Å"Aluminum Bahrain† (ALBA). All financial institutions and services in this country must be licensed by the Central Bank of Bahrain. CBB licensing is composed of six major categories of licenses. â€Å"Some of the activities can be carried out only for specific types of licenses, and to qualify for a certain type of license, certain activities must be carried out† (Central Bank of Bahrain). According to the Rulebook, CBB points out new basic license categories with license sub-categories: conventional banks (retail and wholesale banks); Islamic banks (retail and wholesale), insurance licensee (insurance and re-insurance firms and captive insurance companies), insurance actuaries and brokers (insurance consultants, insurance actuaries, loss adjusters, insurance managers, insurance brokers, insurance entities); specialized firms (financing firms (conventional and Islamic); leasing firms (conventional an d Islamic); money exchange firms, representative offices of foreign companies which provide regulated services, ancillary services providers for the financial sector, portfolio management services providers, special-purpose company for issuance of bonds and sukuk, special purpose company for establishment of private retirement funds and savings funds and trustee.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Landscape of Financial Institutions in Bahrain specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Capital markets subdivided into securities exchanges and precious metal exchanges and mutual funds (Central Bank of Bahrain). Table 1: Wholesale and retail – banking assets Table 2: Consolidated Balance Sheet: Retail and Wholesale Banks Works Cited Central Bank of Bahrain. CBB Rulebook. Aug. 2006. Web. Peter S. Rose, Sylvia C. Hudgins, Sylvia Hudgins. Bank Manageme nt Financial Services W/SP Bind-in Card. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2009.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This research paper on The Landscape of Financial Institutions in Bahrain was written and submitted by user Meggan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Modern Chinese Engagements Wed Love and Tradition

Modern Chinese Engagements Wed Love and Tradition In the past, Chinese parents and matchmakers arranged marriage engagements. The engagement consisted of six courtesies: a  marriage proposal, asking for names, praying for good fortune, sending betrothal gifts, sending invitations, and welcoming the bride. Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match A family would hire a matchmaker, and the matchmaker would go to another family’s home to seek a proposal. Then both families would consult a fortune teller who analyzed the man and woman’s birth dates, times, names, and other vital information. If they were deemed compatible, a marriage deal would be brokered. Betrothal gifts would be exchanged and a wedding planned. While some families may still opt for an arranged marriage or set their children up with their friends’ children, most modern Chinese find their own soul mates and decide when to get married. The man often presents the woman with a diamond engagement ring. But many Chinese engagement traditions including the exchange of betrothal gifts, a bridal dowry, and consultation with a fortune teller remain important today. Betrothal Gifts as a Tradition Once a couple decides to get married, the groom’s family customarily sends gifts to the bride’s family. These commonly include symbolic foods and cakes. In some provinces, however, tradition  dictates that the groom must give his future in-laws money for the privilege of marrying their daughter, often in excess of $10,000. Once the bride’s family accepts the gifts, the wedding cannot be called off lightly. Bridal Dowry as a Tradition In the old days, the bridal dowry consisted of the gifts a bride brought to her husband’s home after marriage. Once a woman married, she left her parents home and became part of her husband’s family. Her principal responsibility shifted to her husband’s family. The value of her dowry determined a woman’s status in her new household. In modern times, a dowry serves a more practical purpose in helping the couple get set up in their new home, where they usually reside independently of the grooms parents. A brides dowry may include a tea set, bedding, furniture, bathroom accessories, small appliances, and her personal clothing and jewelry. A Fortune Teller Consultation Before confirming an engagement, the families consult a fortune teller to ensure the couples compatibility. The fortune teller analyzes their names, birth dates, birth years, and birth times to determine if they can live in harmony. Once the fortune teller gives the OK, traditionalists seal the engagement with three matchmakers and six proofs: an abacus, a measuring vessel, a ruler, a pair of scissors, a set of scales, and a mirror Finally, the families consult a Chinese almanac to determine an auspicious day for the wedding. Some modern Chinese brides and grooms choose to announce their engagement and deliver their wedding invitations with traditional double happiness cakes, though many others forego this tradition in favor of a standard card sent through the mail.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Financial alliance boots Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Financial alliance boots - Essay Example What do you think are some of the arguments that could be raised against this policy? The report will provide detailed calculations and will make sure that all assumptions are clearly stated and explained. To determine how effective are the value delivered to the shareholder we need to know whether the actual ratios generated are higher than the implied cost of capital. In other words there must be an evidence to tell that the wealth of the stockholders increased or maximized compared with those companies with are part of the FTSE 100 over the last three years. Please note that shareholder value means increased wealth for purposes of this finance paper since it is assumed that investors invest to increase wealth. The FTSE 100 Index shows â€Å"the 100 most highly capitalized companies listed on the London Stock Exchange,† ( (2007), which certain requirements by the FTSE Group, such which include London Stock Exchange full listing with a Sterling or Euro dominated price, complying with certain tests on nationality, free float, and requirements for liquidity. The index is viewed as a barometer of success of the British economy (Guardian Unlimited, 2007) and it not actually a stock exchange. Being part therefore of the FTSE 100 is an indication of top performing companies in UK in terms of stock prices and the company must be doing well. Against therefore the standard which holds the company belonging to the index, how Alliance Boots does perform in delivering value to stockholders. Citing therefore the rates of Alliance Boots, we have the following information for the lasts three years below: Basing from the information above, in terms of delivered stockholder value, it could be deduced that the company is being well in terms of the high dividend yield at 4.2%, 4.8% and 4.8% for the last years ending March 31 of 2006, 2005 and 2004 respectively. Dividend per share was almost

Thursday, February 6, 2020

A Short Discussion on the Use of Imagery in James Joyces Araby Essay

A Short Discussion on the Use of Imagery in James Joyces Araby - Essay Example James has explained this side of the world and bitter realities in various parts of the story. For example, the North Richmond Street has been described as a cold silent street with a dead-end. James has also highlighted the details of other parts such as the young boy’s house, the gloominess that surrounds his house and his street, his relationship with his aunt and uncle, the details related to the priest who died in his house and about his belongings that raises the spiritual feelings in young boy’s heart and mind and lastly, the boy’s two trips that took him on the quest of discovering the meaning of real life and bring him back to state of consciousness that unfolded the blindness before his eyes (Donschikwoski). The background of the place where the young boy lived, well illustrates the true and real meanings of the life. Furthermore, as described by the author that the people who lived there including the boy’s aunt and uncle had a limited vision of life, conservative in their opinions and were unable to value anything in life; bounded to live an isolated life. In his story James Joyce has used various symbolic presentations which helped him to make his reader understand the real background of the story. For example, the belongings of the dead priest which included the priest’s old bicycle pump that was getting more corrosive in the rain and his old yellow books. These simple things indicate the character of the priest and his devotion towards God and his fellow men through his services. But after his death, his books became more old and yellow as well as his bicycle pump turned rustier. This whole effect signifies the downturn in the spiritual and intellectual condition of t he present state in which the young boy was living (Thurston). And in such environment of â€Å"spiritual analysis† the young boy endures his first love, experiences the arousal of sensuous desires and romantic fantasies. The religion has its strong roots entrenched in the lives of the people of North Richmond Street, but it was merely just a religion with shattered faith. However, for a young boy who is enduring the experiences of first love, finds the interpretation for his feelings from his religious learning and the romantic books he read. This ultimately resulted in confused and disillusioned understanding of love combined with religion, faith and pure romance. This developed the world of dreams inside him (Atherton). Gradually, at different levels the boy encounters the reality and irony of life that he ignores at first but his trip to Araby; a bazaar, which he believed as an â€Å"Oriental enchantment† uncovers the hidden reality which made him to believe that l ife and love have no similarity between them and both of these are different from a person’s understanding of dream and imagination. James Joyce has described the Araby market as a narrow and a dark place, where one could only hear the voice of falling coins and profits, a world that opposes the young boy’s dreams of romance and ideal. His late arrival at the bazaar with majority of stalls closed, brought him to an opened stall where he received a very cold attention from the saleslady. She was more interested in her conversation with the two gentlemen and paid no attention

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Summary of Chua Essay Example for Free

Summary of Chua Essay To change the emphasis of mainstream accounting research from hypothetico-deductivism and technical control assumptions to alternative views and obtain a fundamentally different and potentially rich research insights. Aim 1. To enable accounting researchers to self-reflect on the dominant assumptions that they share and, more importantly, the consequence of adopting this position. a. Limited the types of problems studied b. The use of research methods c. The possible research insights that could be obtained Author believes that such limitations can only become clear when they are exposed to the challenge of alternative world-views 2. To introduce such alternative set of assumptions, illustrate how they change both problem definition and solution, and offer research which is fundamentally different from that currently prevailing. 3. To argue that, not only are these alternative world-views different, they can potentially enrich and extend our understanding of accounting. Authors intended audience Positivist researchers, Public, Professionals, academics, All researchers Arguments presented to support main point Recent classifications of accounting perspectives Cooper (19830 ad Hopper ad Powel (1985) rely on the sociological work of Burrell and Morgan (1979) * Classification of accounting literature: 1. social sciences – includes assumptions about: * ontology of the social world (realism v. nominalism) * epistemology (positivism v. anti-positivism) * human nature (determinism v. voluntarism) * methodology (nomothetic v. ideographic) 2. society – characterizes it as orderly or subject to fundamental conflict Burell and Morgan (1979) Four paradigms used to classify accounting theories * Functionalist * Interpretive * Radical humanist Radical structuralist Problems persisted so accounting perspectives are differentiated with reference to underlying assumptions about knowledge, the empirical phenomena under study, and the relationship between theory and the practical world of human affairs. A classification of assumptions â€Å"knowledge is produced by people, for people, and is about people and their social and physical environm ent† Beliefs about knowledge Epistemological assumptions * Decide what to count about acceptable truth by specifying the criteria and process of assessing truth claims * E. . an epistemological assumption might state that a theory is considered true if it is repeatedly not falsifiable by empirical events Methodological assumptions * Indicate that research methods deemed appropriate for the gathering of valid evidence. * E. g. large-scale sample surveys or laboratory experiments that are â€Å"statistically sound† may be considered acceptable research methods. Both sets of assumptions are closely related. What is a â€Å"correct† research method will depend on how truth is defined. Belief about physical and social reality Ontology Object of Study * People may be viewed as identical to physical objects and be studied in the same manner * Criticism: people cannot be treated as natural scientific objects because they are self-interpretive beings who create the structures around them (Habermas, (1978) and winch (1958)) How people relate to one another and society as a whole * Every social theory makes assumptions about the nature of human society-is it, for example full of conflict or essentially stable and orderly Relationship between theory and practice Questions Purpose of knowledge in the world of practice, How may it be employed to better people’s welfare * Theory may be related to practice in several ways, each representing a particular value position on the part of the scientist (Fay (1975)). Unlike Burell and Morgan, this set of assumptions is used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of alternative perspectives in accounting. This is not an attempt to describe world-views in a value-free, non-evaluatory language

Monday, January 20, 2020

Binge Drinking On Americas Campuses Essay -- Binge Drinking College A

Binge Drinking on America's Campuses On any Friday or Saturday night, the average college student is usually drinking, dancing and out having fun. They typically party with friends at fraternity parties, bars, and clubs; and unfortunately most of these students are underage, consuming excessive amounts of alcohol or 'Binge Drinking'. Binge drinking results in several detrimental outcomes, some are even fatal. Today this type of drinking is rampant on educational campuses everywhere. Large and small, urban and rural educational institutions are not left unaffected by this growing trend to binge drink.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Binge drinking is defined as "the consumption of five or more drinks, in a row, on at least one occasion" (NCADI). Several surveys announce that about 1/3rd of high school seniors and 42 percent of college students binge drink on a regular basis(NCADI). Figures such as these are extremely upsetting because one expects institutions of higher learning to be the breeding ground for new leaders and innovative thinkers. Unfortunately, these statistics only make educational campuses appear, as if, everything is a party, much like National Lampoon's Animal House. Animal House is a 1980's movie dedicated to displaying college life and the experience in a college fraternity; it constantly depicted students binge drinking. Harvard University's School of Public Health conducted a College Alcohol study, surveying students at more than 119 colleges. Of those surveyed, 44 percent admitted to having engaged in binge drinking at least once in the two weeks prior to the survey (Booze News). Researchers discovered that white students, age 23 or younger, and members of a fraternity or sorority, on average are more likely to binge drink (Booze News). They also noted that students who were binge drinkers in high school, were three times more likely to binge drink in college (Booze News). "The percentage of students who are binge drinkers is nearly uniform from freshman year to senior year, and over half of the binge drinkers were frequent binge drinkers" (Booze News). Binge drinking has been associated with several alcohol-related problems. The Harvard survey also notes that "a higher percentage of binge drinkers than non-binge drinkers reported having experienced alcohol-related problems, since the beginning of the school year" (Booze News). Frequent bing... .... ?Booze News Fact Sheet: BINGE DRINKING ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES.? Booze News Newsletter. February 2,1999.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Bormann, Carol A. and Stone, Michael H. ?The Effects of Eliminating Alcohol in a College Stadium: The Folsom Field Beer Ban(University of Colorado at Boulder).? Journal of American College Health, Sept 2001 v50 i2 p81. Brick, John. ?Alcohol Poisoning.? A publication of Intoxikon International. AOL Online. Buurma, Christine. ?U. Michigan student's death shows risk of binge drinking.? The Cavalier Daily Online Edition. November 16, 2000.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Durand, Maria F. ?A Major Turning Point: MIT Case Causes Repercussions Throughout Nation.? ABC News Online. September 18, 2000. ?Media Project Launched to Combat College Binge Drinking.? Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). November 20, 1997.

Sunday, January 12, 2020


Look at these six explanations or definitions of ‘education' written in different styles ND: Decide if the explanations are spoken or written.Match each one with the source from which you think it was taken, listed at the end. Education can be seen as either a battlefield for values or a question of systems or, more simply, as an extension of the biological function of the upbringing of children – known more simply as parenting. We'll start by looking at how far the role of teacher goes beyond being a parent. The process by which your mind develops through learning at a school, college, or university; the knowledge and skills that you gain from being taught. Education' comes from a Latin word.One of the important things about education is to give people an interest in knowledge and an ability to learn – or strategies or techniques for learning – and a knowledge of how to find out about things they want to know. Education: teaching, schooling, training, inst ruction, tuition, tutelage, edification, tutoring, cultivation, upbringing, indoctrination, drilling; learning, lore, knowledge, information, erudition†¦ ‘Its Education forms the common mind Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined. People going to school and learning.Students discuss the questions to introduce the subject of the lesson. Students' own answers. Ideas may include: use of formal vocabulary; clearly organized and structured; need for support for ideas. It is important to follow the conventions so that your writing is accepted as a valid contribution to the academic debate. If the writing uses a different style or format it will not be regarded as ‘academic writing, even if the ideas are valid. Informal and formal Students compare two definitions of economics. The informal/spoken text is unplanned; includes hesitation fillers; uses informal language e. You know; is personal; uses questions. The formal/written text is planned; does not include any he sitation or digression; uses formal vocabulary; is impersonal. Students identify which sentences are formal and which are informal. Answers: F Students complete the guidelines with the words from the box. Personal tentative evidence neutral vague, precise contractions abbreviations slang speaking Students rewrite the sentences in a formal style. Possible answers: It was reported that it was unsatisfactory. It seemed that the lecture was very difficult to understand.They need to discover owe to conduct a survey of elderly people's opinions of young children. The results were better than expected. / appeared to be better than expected. It was reported that none of the students knew the answer. One man described his unhappiness at being alone. Identifying different styles Students read the six explanations of ‘education', decide if they are written or spoken and match them to the sources. Answers: e d b Students write an explanation of education in an academic style. Various answ ers are possible.Model answer (uses impersonal structures; cautious/tentative language; purports ideas with examples; is neutral in tone; uses specific vocabulary; avoids contractions and colloquialisms). The term ‘education' can be defined in a number of different ways. A narrow definition might be limited to the education system, that is, the structure organizing schools, colleges, and universities, and those who work and learn in them. A broader understanding of the term would include all types of teaching, training and learning, including parent-child interactions at home and any type of communicative activity in which information is shared.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Integrating Psychology And Theology Case Study - 1034 Words

Integrating Psychology and Theology does not look the same for everyone, but I feel it is important for Christians to remain true to their faith while working in the field that God has set forth for them. God has appointed His servants as the light in our darkened world. It is through Him that we are able to gain knowledge and understanding of the world around us. I believe that God has left us instructions in the Bible that cover all aspects of life and give us a starting point to base our knowledge off of. I identify with the Allies integration approach when it comes to intertwining my faith with the field of Psychology because this model â€Å"recognizes that all truth is known by God, who is Sovereign over all things. It acknowledges†¦show more content†¦I believe that God created the world and everything that is in it. My beliefs align with a supernatural view. Supernaturalists believe that the â€Å"material world exists, but that it came into existence at som e point when God created it† (Entwistle, 2015, p. 126). God’s Word can be found in Scripture detailing how our existence came to be. The Bible starts off with â€Å"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters† (Genesis 1:1-2). This detailed description explains what many scientists try to figure out because they do not believe in the existence of God. I believe that in order to understand the meaning and direction of life I need to have a Christian view of humanity. When it comes to my philosophical anthropology I believe I need to have a theological reflection. I need to understand that God designed us for perfection, but through the fall of man we have become sinners. We are designed in God’s image and it is through Him that we are to love those around us. When I first became a Christian I never gave any thought to what that meant about my relationships or even tha t I would see the world differently than before. Over time I came to realize that accepting God is more than a simple yes or no answer. It is changing one’s lifestyle and thoughts to reflect the one who created us in His image. Integration of my faith with the worldShow MoreRelatedHuman Change Implies More Than An Absence Of Problems†¦1011 Words   |  5 PagesHuman change implies more than an absence of problems†¦ life is more than an absence of suffering, said by Alphons Richert, the author of Integrating Existential and Narrative Therapy: A Theoretical Base for Eclectic Practice (p. 367). 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Firstly, during school, I had spent the majority of middle school with bored and disengaged partially everything. Math, English, Business, and other subjects varied in taste for me. Math and Science classes are the place where I succeed the most. I enjoyed math because of the structure that it possessed but never foundRead MoreThe Evolution of Religion1318 Words   |  6 Pageseven more importantly, we are that man,† (101, 102). So, once an individual comes to the understanding that they, themselves are the shapers of religion – once they discover that Oz is really only a man behind a curtain, they become dealienated. INTEGRATING PERSONAL AND COMMUNAL RESPONSES The culmination of this discussion is the assessment of how Otto and Berger’s theories come together to create religion as a powerful force in the lives of individuals and society. The most important idea that oneRead MoreEssay on Working Manual for Counselors and Pastors1965 Words   |  8 Pagesfor it is only in these that we find a basis for understanding the will of God. For a background (as a backdrop of Knowledge), the book explores the Bible and Biblical foundations of ethics. It also uses other horizons of understanding including psychology, philosophy, sociology, social work and multicultural underpinnings to bear on the principles and articles. As help givers, pastoral care givers, counselors, advisors and Helpers, we submit ourselves to the Word of God and allow the Holy SpiritRead MoreMental Health Counseling6134 Words   |  25 Pagesthe field of psychology since these branches have emerged. Both of these sectors of counseling provided services to people who would otherwise not be able to obtain these services. Both of mental health counseling and community counseling have a rich history that can be traced back to psychology. The following will provide a look at how these branches emerged from humble beginnings in psychology and the avenues of techniques used within both forms of this type of counseling. Psychology did not emergeRead More The Life and Work of C.G. Jung Reconsidered Essay4204 Words   |  17 Pagesthese objections only related to his early psychiatric cases, and I found myself to be far more intrigued and impressed by his later work and theories. While I had stated in my first consideration of Jung that, â€Å"there is a frustratingly limited, almost biased quality to much of†¦ his work†, I was pleasantly surprised later on to find that many of his later theories and assumptions were anything but limited. I still believe that in his early case work he took tremendous risks, both clinically and professionallyRead MoreDesign Thinking and How It Will Change Management Education: An Interview and Discussion8683 Words   |  35 Pagesyou would never say to another student, â€Å"I don’t understand fully why you think that: Could you just talk a little bit more about what you saw in the case that caused you to believe that?† You are not taught th e skill of listening with the intent of gaining some insight that you didn’t have in you head already. Instead, you are taught to build cases in your mind that are airtight and completely logically sound, and anybody who thinks otherwise is the enemy you must crush. That may be too strong aRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesComprehensive Cases Indexes Glindex 637 663 616 623 Contents Preface xxii 1 1 Introduction What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Importance of Interpersonal Skills 4 What Managers Do 5 Management Functions 6 †¢ Management Roles 6 †¢ Management Skills 8 †¢ Effective versus Successful Managerial Activities 8 †¢ A Review of the Manager’s Job 9 Enter Organizational Behavior 10 Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study 11 Disciplines That Contribute to the OB Field 13 Psychology 14